Sunday, February 27, 2011

Separate Reception Etiquette

Time Capsule College

The time capsules are containers in which messages are stored and objects of the present to be found by future generations. Some are fortuitous those that have come with no intention by our ancestors. They met mostly in the eighteenth century and early decades of the nineteenth century due to g reat discoveries of archeology to:

  • wealth of ancient Egypt and the treasures of their sarcophagi and mummies
  • Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia, buried cities Adas volcanic ash and stones thrown by Vesuvius, which have become veritable time capsules unintended and buildings have been preserved for centuries, objects, food waste, including animal and people.All they clearly reveal the daily life, customs and art of these cities.

Other time capsules are intended born out of necessity over the history of leaving our legacy of cultural, historical and scientific for future generations. There is evidence of considerable antiquity in the background we see them. Thanks to José Luis Pellicer have known that Mesopotamia was a curious tradition in building monuments, placing among its foundation (but in places accessible for future explorers supposedly) a number d and cylinders founding not only be aimed dedicatory character to the gods whose protection would be entrusted with the building concerned, but also to transmit information to a future monarch to undertake the restoration of the monument, since being building material clay, not stone buildings needed frequent repairs or reconstruction .

These inscriptions were shaped foundations cylinders, prisms, cones and inscribed bricks are placed inside the walls involved in the so-called kits foundation waiting to be rescued indeterminate future time, as real time capsules.

An inscription of Sargon II (721-705 BC) said:

"on tablets of gold, silver, bronze, tin, lead, lapis lazuli, alabaster, signed my name and I put in the foundation walls (= foundation). A future prince to carry out the restoration of the ruins, and you can enter your wake and lift next to mine. (Then) the god Assur hear your prayers ". Registration

cited in DG Lyon, Keilschrifttexte Sargons II, Königs von. Assyria. Leipzig 1883]. 23-34 and 52

These traditions also have a political background that was used by the monarchs. With the restoration of the temple's new King fixed his legitimacy and continuity with previous dynasties to gods and men.

To mark the centenary of Cervantes College, the school of my childhood, it will make a presentation for which they have asked alumni photographs or papers from school. So dive in drawers at home and having my hands back on some of my notebooks, report cards and photos ...(¡ often paint!) Was like opening a time capsule and discover my own childhood. Again you come to mind memories of colleagues, teachers in some mischief, the writing contest Coca-cola, participation in One, two, three ... trip to Mallorca ... unforgettable moments you had in a corner memory and that suddenly appear fully alive.

This me did think it would be nice to do something to contribute to rescue from oblivion some aspect of its long history and reveal some secrets of their time capsule discovered and ... really has!

Since fre just nte to school are the little gardens of Guillén de Castro and source monument to Cervantes, I started wondering which came first, the College or monument-source?

In fact the fate of the source and c olegio Cervantes have been partners since its origins in the commemorate the third centenary of the publication of the first part of The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha , on May 7, 1905 in Valencia due to linking the city with this work of Cervantes.

To celebrate this fact the City Council decided to build some graduate schools with the name of Cervantes in the old solar municipal abattoir, situated at Guillén de Castro, against food market.

With the aim of organizing the centenary was appointed a joint board, chaired by Jose Aguilar and Blanch, was made up of representatives of the City and literary societies. The Board decided to erect a monument to Cervantes in front of future schools, which requested the Valencian sculptor Mariano Benlliure.

The celebration of May 7, 1905 saw the commencement com a civic event the City Council

" Flags and banners, school students public private , representatives of cultural organizations, recreational and commercial Valencia. Preceded by the drums and bugles, the City Council in corporation under decks. Were carriers of the "senyera" that had been taken out of the House of town with the usual ceremonial " (" The centenary celebrations s of " Quijote "in Valencia," The P ROVINCE, May 8, 1905, p . 1.)

They went to the church of San Martín, near where the printing was Pedro Patricio Mey Valencia printed edition of Don Quixote, and also in 1616 published the second part of the novel, few months after he appeared in Madrid. In that place discovered a memorial , we can now see on the street corner San Vicente Plaza de la Reina.

Here p printed or Patrick M e 1605 -1616 the first and second part of the famous Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. The Hon. Valencia City Council placed this inscription on May 7, 1905 pa ra commemorate the third anniversary

Later in Santa Catalina, Calle de Zaragoza, Plaza de la Constitution Knights and Fourth Street came to the garden of Guillén de Castro, which had large numbers of people. In the middle of the garden was installed plaster sketch of the monument to Cervantes, made and donated by Benlliure to the city of Valencia, in a generous gesture of the sculptor tribute to the writer and the city to commemorate his work. On some great books of the author, who transmitted to their volume weight of the piece, stylized figure emerges largest character in the chimera, recognizable but ethereal, which boosts the bust of his world operator.

The municipal school students sang Hymn to Cervantes, with music and lyrics by Salvador Giner Teodoro Llorente. Mr. Serrano Morales, delegate of Public Instruction, documented read a speech Valencia, Cervantes and Don Quixote , recalled episodes in which the writer's life, mentioned passages from the works of Cervantes referring to Valencia and its writers, and ended with words of praise for Valencia, " that culture, enlightenment and love of literature it has been praised over the centuries, believed now that p hates celebrate this anniversary in a more dignified laudable and appropriate, that placing the foundation stone of a Hermes or building devoted to teaching " ( " The centenary celebrations of "Don Quixote" in Valencia, Las Provincias, May 8, 1905, p. 2.)

It was then the inauguration of the works of the first graduate school group erected the City: The "Escuela de Cervantes" with c olocación of a time capsule the foundation of the building, was a leaden box containing the minutes parchment, different currencies in progress copies of local newspapers and a biography of Cervantes. The stone was blessed by Canon Constantine Tormo, and Mayor Jose Ortega Ordeig and relevant threw the shovel of mortar. The children had lunch, and were given a copy of the biography of Miguel de Cervantes, the most outstanding students to receive a copy, too, of Don Quixote.

Image time capsule found in 2009 under this tua Cer efore going in Madrid that was deposited the December 11, 1834, and contained: Don Quixote in 1810, a Royal Charter for the Courts United, 1834, editions of the Gazette of Madrid (current BOE), or n Diario de Avisos de Madrid of the same year, a calendar book and guidelines manual outsiders, published in the Press Real, a biography Mina afia General , English guerrilla who fought in the War of Independence and was shot in 1817 in Mexico , a manuscript, somewhat deteriorated, a book about the life of Cervantes and eight small packets, which are probably coins.

So in 1905 saw the light the t anto the school as the statue, but as the school activity began in 1910, what happened to the statue of Cervantes?

next year he was cast in bronze, as the work is dated and signed by the author in Madrid in 1906. However, in February 1909 the City Council agreeing that was installed the monument to Cervantes in Plaza the Stables, now the painter Pinney, until circumstances permitted their emplazamien to final against the school.

In septiemb of the year 1909 re " sculpture was placed on the stones to do by the sculptor c or loc aron on the original site, raising it by a concrete base ( AHM Monuments, 1909, Exp 10.)

remain in this place for many years small changes in their appearance. So in 1916 he put a clump of plants around it and a provisional fence . ( Las Provincias, November 18, 1916, p. 1, "News from City Hall. Ornato and guardianship).

And there would have been if not for the determination of faculty Cervantes School Group , which would entail the transfer definitive work . The December 5, 1924, in a letter to the City of Valencia, showed:

" When these schools were opened, one of the things they honored Valencia Cervantes memory in the tercentenary celebrations of the publication of Don Quixote, the genius of Mariano Benlliure conceived and carried out a sculpture of Cervantes and Don Quixote was placed in front of schools, in the old food market with the intention that generations of children they were passing by could watch them every day making such sculptures, that the Hon. City Council quite rightly so, moved the statues for whom there was a framework set Market, the call Manege Square, which today no longer exists reason ng some justification, as the best of my knowledge of exponents, children still deprived of his statue, as it has disappeared Food Market ..."( quoted AHM Monuments, 1924, Exp 27208) and after further consideration, they sought, according to her " social desirability, the building is labeled with the name of Cervantes, was moved there the sculpture, which will transform the former site of supplies in the garden or playground, because, as described, was large and was covered with trees but remained been abandoned.

Then began a long series of administrative procedures until the March 26, 1931 , twenty-six years after the agreement of the City Council met. The monument to Cervantes took its final location in front of the school, and since the late sixties surrounded by a source that enhances the whole.

Information obtained Thesis: PUBLIC SCULPTURE ELENA VALENCIA ESTEBAN de las Heras.

This tradition of time capsules is not at all dated, it is now easy to find news about them since many cities and countries, set up to celebrate a special occasion, eg Barcelona, \u200b\u200bArgentina , Chile and elsewhere i ven there are interesting proposals worldwide specifically the KEO satellite, is a time capsule to be launched or in 2011 will carry our messages and to earth in 50,000 years, when readable.

It's easy to send a message, do we dare? O we made our own time capsule?. Now that's complicated! as qu é would select as representative of our time and worthy of remembrance?


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