Friday, February 25, 2011

Price List Of Home Gym


The rheumatologist put me in their database as a new patient which was submitted to biological therapies. I always have real panic needles, as is common in the population. For that reason when I said I'd have to learn to inject myself, really did not make me any grace. I asked the rheumatologist to give me time to go familiar with the syringe.
Failure to prick myself, it cost me to have to go to the Health of my people, that were the ATS who put me this injection.
had to pinch every 15 days, and the reviews were usually around 3 months or less with previous analytical blood.
Before with the biologic Humira (adalimumab), it was necessary to get a chest x-ray and Mantoux test.
The reason for the chest radiograph was the rule that there is any abnormality in the lungs along with the tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test). These two tests are fundamental contained within the protocol and marked as action before applying for any patient a biological therapy, based on the administration of anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor).
The Mantoux test consists of the following:

was Introduced in 1908 by Charles Mantoux (French physician) In 1908 he perfected a test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis contacts (LTBI). At one time it was called the white plague.

is based on the hypersensitivity response to specific mycobacterial antigens.
With a very fine needle is injected under the skin of the forearm a harmless substance (antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ) called tuberculin. At 48-72 hours the result should be evaluated by skilled health personnel.
do not cover the puncture site and do not scratch the bumps that are formed in the arm.

"If the result is negative, there was no swelling or bump on the arm where it was injected. In general, a negative means you do not have tuberculosis.

"If the result is positive, if there was a lump . That means you have TB bacteria.


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