Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dental Office Welcome Letters Samples


Robert Koch (1843-1910) was a German doctor who acquired great fame for discovering the tubercle bacillus (presents its findings in 1882) as well as the cholera bacillus in (1883) and the development of Koch's postulates. received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1905 . is considered the founder of bacteriology. Koch's work was to isolate the organism causing the illness and make it grow in pure culture. The pure culture was used to induce the disease in laboratory animals, where the guinea pig again isolating the germ from infected animals and compared with the original germ.
Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease caused by Koch bacillus (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Highly contagious, it was a fatal disease until the advent of antibiotics. Although usually attacks the lungs, it can sometimes occur in other organs.
Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that spreads through the air. When people with TB cough, sneeze, talk or spit, throw the air germs, known as tubercle bacilli. Simply inhaling few bacilli to become infected. However, not everyone infected with TB bacilli will become sick. The immune system kills the TB bacilli, or isolates, which they may lie dormant for years. If the immune system to control infection with TB bacilli, they multiply, producing the active form of the disease and damage in the body. Left untreated, each person with infectious TB will spread the germs to about 10 to 15 people each year.
TB prophylaxis has to be done in those with risk factors for infection, including cases exposed to a smear positive patient, or those people with signs contact with the bacillus that do not show evidence of disease active TB (Mantoux positive). For prophylaxis is used only one drug, which is usually the isoniazid. The usually last 9 months. During this time is important follow-up medical since it is possible to develop the disease, making it necessary to introduce the drug treatment. patterns are usually used 3 or 4 drugs for prolonged periods of 6 to 12 months duration, treatment should be extended to completely eliminate the infection.
In the case of positive Mantoux test, the doctor will determine the appropriate treatment, for after removal of the bacilli in the body to be able to submit the spondylitic biological therapy.


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