Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How To Treat Eyebrow Waxing Burns Differin


Since they had to make me a new medical history Cordoba, due to the change of address and doctor, naturally turned to be tested for tuberculosis. A chest radiograph and Mantoux test. Fortunately the test was negative and I could seamlessly manage the biological Enbrel.
The first visit Reina Sofia hospital, I saw in a rheumatology clinic, but referred me to the Provincial Hospital where the unit biological therapies. The Provincial Hospital is part of the Reina Sofía Hospital.
At the head of the rheumatology service is Dr. Eduardo Collantes (This prestigious rheumatologist, which has its roots in the Albaicin Granada, over thirty years linked to Córdoba, the city where they were born their three sons and two grandchildren and which has his best friends. He was one of the first class of the Faculty of Medicine of Córdoba and since making the specialty began working at the hospital Reina Sofía. Has always developed its work in Cordoba, although two years was an associate professor in the Cochin hospital in Paris, where he specialized in rheumatic disease, spondylitis, and there are the best professionals. Through this specialization, the Rheumatology Service of the Reina Sofia is a pioneer in Spain in dealing with spondylitis. Source: Local CÓRDOBA .)

on You Tube and some entries in this blog, you can view some videos where Dr. Eduardo Collantes explains in clear, concepts ankylosing spondylitis, and the importance of patients' associations.
After testing negative for tuberculosis, the use of Enbrel was viable. Removal of biological
the hospital pharmacy, heat transport in the bag, and the fridge from my house.
was time to "put the batteries" and to ignore the fear of needles, starting to inject the medication yourself.
Under the supervision of a nurse, I was all by myself my first dose of Enbrel. The prick fact alone gave me more freedom to do so at any time of day without being subject to time kit.
The initial dose was an injection of 50 mg / ml once a week.
spent their days and noticed no therapeutic relief. He still had a lot of pain and had not disappeared as soon as I came up with the biological Humira.
The rheumatologist I decided to change the dose controlled, and instead of being an injection of 50 mg / ml once a week, switch to two 25 mg / ml weekly.


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