Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Do Mean By Near Syncope

pig Testament

time ago I read a funny text dated in the month of skylights kalendas luminaires, sub die XVI Kal. Lucerninas . According Gaffiot lanterns means they are needed to work the skylights ( lamps) , so it must be the winter months, December or January. As we are in one of these months, coinciding with the feast of San Antoni del Porquet me back to memory, is testament to the pig Corocotta, Testamentum Porcelli

is an anonymous composition dating from the fourth century that parody the Roman legal act of making a will dividing the property between family and friends describing his mausoleum and funerary inscription that was to appear. For the testimony of St. Jerome ( Lib. XII Commentary on Isaiah) thought that was very popular because it tells us

Legions of children laughing, singing in school reciting the will of the Pig Grumpy Corocotta

What relates Milesian fables that offer fun and games compared to Plato's texts that require work and effort.

The general tone of the composition is fun to contribute some invented names such as witnesses signing the will, and very clearly nomen Grunnius , which resembles the grunting of these animals or the use of some specific terms ( (lumbuli, uesica, cauda, \u200b\u200bmusculi, Popi, pistillum) as a pun funny-erotic interpretation of which has been studied Sandra Ramos Maldonado in Habis 36 (2005), 407-421

now present the translation of Alicia M. Canto, whose article you can read this whole link

Here begins the will of the pig.

Corocotta Grumpy the pig Marco made a will. Since I could not write my own hand, dictated to write it.

kitchen, chef, said: "V in here, destroying the house, soil snout, pig elusive, I today to end your life. " Corocotta Pig said: "Please, if I did something wrong, if anything eg what if I broke my leg the dishes, ay, sir cook, you forgive me life , be lenient with you please. " Cooker Cook said, "Go, click, and acércame a knife from the kitchen, I'll crack and bleed the pig. "

The pig was caught and taken raised by the sixteenth day before the month of the lamps, when an abundance of cabbage in the year of the consuls Baking and pepper. When he realized he was dying, asked for time to time and asked the cook to let him do his will . A voice called him and his family own, so that each receives some of its provisions.

And says: "My father, Boar Buttery, I give and bequeath to will deliver 30 measures of acorns, and my mother, suckling Old Lady, I give and bequeath to deliver you 40 measures of wheat in Laconia; Romulina my sister, whose wedding I could not go, I give and bequeath to deliver you 30 measures barley. Also give what is mine and I will donate more intimate: the shoemakers my sows, the quarrelsome my nose, my ears to the deaf, my tongue to the shyster and charlatan, my gut Jammed us the beef, my thighs to Saladores ham, my sex sites for women, the boys my bladder , girls my tail, my muscles to ladybugs, my ankles strong runners and hunters, thieves my hooves. And without cite by name, leave a legacy to cook mortar and pestle that I had brought with me from Thebest to Tergeste: I wish to hang a string of garlic! "

"And I want to be a monument erected to funeral, with this inscription in gold letters:

"(Here lies) Marco Corocotta Fudd, Pig,

lived 999 years and a half

had he lived a half,

would completed the thousand years "

the ones I love or who has
beige decided on my life, I beg you to do something good with my body, condimentéis my soft tissue with good spices peppers and honey, that my name be remembered forever. Mine owners and relatives who have attended the act of my will, do the favor of signing it. "

Mantecón signed. Signed Byte of
Meat. Cumin Roasted signed. Roast signed the Lucania. Back Grilled signed. Roasted signed Celso. Bridal Roast signed.

Here ends happily testament L pig, made the sixteenth day before the month of the year the consulate lamps Bake and pepper.

Among the inheritance left to the boys the bladder, we know by Marcial XIII, XLVII that or saba is to make the ball they called follis

away Go away, young. A block away I delicate age: the ball is well

children's play, the ball, the elderly.

In the translation of the names of the witnesses has been preferred to use the ways of cooking the pig in Roman times (you can find some in the Blog Re Coquinaria ) but if taken literally are Lardión, Ophel Cuminato, Lucan, Tergilo, Celsino, Bridal.

Given that this little book has a double meaning in an erotic tone, like parts of pigs have left a legacy humorous reading, also the names of witnesses, Lucanicus refers to a type of sausage. Varro in De lingua latina says

Al sausage made with the large intestine called Lucan (Lucan sausage) because the soldiers learned the recipe of Lucan.

To understand the hilarity that produced the children some of these words, Varro in of Agri culture II, 4, 9-10 gives us a clue:

Pig in Greek is called "h and" before "thys", derived from the word "thyein" meaning immolate. It seems that this animal was one of the first sacrificed to the goddess Ceres, at the beginning of peace kills a pig, like before the wedding, the ancient kings and senior men Etruria, before the marriage, the bride and her husband immolated a pig. Also the early Latin and Greek in Italy appear to do so. Besides Roman women, especially maidens, called the female "porcum" and Greek "choeron" as a sign of consent.

There are many curiosities about the pig that Charo has collected in an article in De Re Coquinaria which I recommend reading.

UPDATE 26-I-2011

Desde el Hortus Hesperidum agradecemos mucho a la profesora Sandra Ramos que haya compartido en la red su artículo sobre el lenguaje del Testamentum Porcelli, de esta manera podemos entender muy bien el juego de de palabras y sus connotaciones eróticas.
Este es el enlace al artículo y a su blog S.A.L. Scriptorium Academicum Latinum

Plurimas gratias, Sandra!!

Images: m osaico of the Vatican Museums and m olde a pig found in Villa Regina, Boscoreale. Museum Boscoreale


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