Monday, January 17, 2011

Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis


In Greece we find a festival called Kroni , dedicated to the god Kronos , as the god of harvest associated Rea. Originally this festival was held only in places like Samos, Colophon and some islands and cities neighbors, would soon pass from there to the region of Attica , where he was held near Olympeion , place where was the sanctuary of these gods . There were about festivals, agricultural, of great antiquity, in which solemn sacrifices and banquets ( Macrobius, Saturnalia I.7 and I. 10.22. ), the latter being most original of them, as masters changed their places with the slaves . This situation also appeared in other Greek festivals such as Peloria of Thessaly or Pitoigia of Antesterias ...

Given its agricultural character and to be held on 12 Hecatombeón (ex Kronion ) have been seen as a holiday crop in which Kronos appear as the god who kills the wheat . For other would like a sickle symbol the reapers with whom he had maimed Kronos his father Uranus whose blood had made the land fertile . Following for other be a commemoration of the Golden Age, described by Hesiod . Finally, as a New Year Festival , because it was also a ritual role reversal, as Roman Saturnalia, and celebrated in the month began the year in the Athenian calendar .

had a very ancient origin, it is deemed to have been introduced by Cecrops , one of the mythical kings of Attica . According to Louis Couve ( Dictionnaire des Antiquités grecques et romanes , pg. 870 et seq. Paris, 1911 ), bearing in mind that Kronos is a god who belongs to the same cycle mythical heroes and giants Peloro Géraistos , festivals lead to first time it was popular attached to farming, that is, were people's own holiday village made under the sponsorship of their own deities.

In Rome, the god Kronos was explicitly identified with Saturn and Saturnalia, the festival celebrated in his honor, are clearly identified with classical Athens Kroni . The biggest difference between them is the timing, it fell upon a collection of fruits from July to August, coinciding, as we said, with the new year in Athens, while the others were held in December ended the year just as the Romans . Both will drink Eastern tradition: the Greek directly, through the Roman Greece. In the case of Greece, we can not know the details of the date of transmission of these rituals, but it seems reasonable to think it was during the seventh century, When Lydia expanded its territory to the borders of northern Syria and, therefore, could come into contact with that area Ionian ( HW Parke, Festivals of the Athenians , London, 1977, pg. 29-30 )

Moreover , JG Frazer (The Golden Bough . A study in magic and religion , London, 1911-1915. P. VI pg. 306 et seq. And 407 and ss.) remember in Babylon were held annually Sacaea and relates to the Saturnalia by making the choice of saturnalicius rex, but also with other practices such as those that arose in the temple of Diana Nemorensis where Everything was under the power of the priest-king, a character that should be replaced by one who killed him:

"If the omens indicated that a national disaster was imminent or that the king was threatened by the danger, it is was in a dilemma, perhaps the king had served evil gods, so that their continuation in office endangered the welfare of state, and on the other hand, it was also possible that the people God wants us to protect his chosen servant, for lack of evidence that he had rescinded his decree of election, the people dared not dismiss " ( H. Frankfort, Kings and Gods , Madrid, 1976. 284 )

The solution found to solve this situation was to install for a limited time a person or object that we substitute . Do not forget that the king in Mesopotamia played an essential role since his task was to remain and continue so that after the mess return to shine harmony of nature. The king was the key figure in the great rite of the renewal of life to be held in the so-called New Year Festival and in which, after purification on the Day of Atonement on the fifth of Nisan was humbled to then return to its place in that society . This substitution of the king was always the character of protection and substitute king, who ruled for a specified time, was killed at the end to thus eliminate the dangers and misfortunes which threatened the true king . However, the replacement was complete, having even enjoy the right to substitute the king's concubines, which indicates that it was not a ritual or a game more or less figured, given the closed nature of the heritage of an Oriental despot . At parties Sacaea of \u200b\u200bBabylon it would free a prisoner who went on to take the place of the king and that ultimately was sacrificed. On the other hand, in all the slave houses were chosen which provided that should be done at the domestic ( S. Langdon, The Babylonian and Persian Sacaea , Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1924, pg. 65 et seq. )

The replacement action is found in the Roman Saturnalia, but reduced the level of a game and festive ritual, and the Greek Kroni, but tangentially to appear in places like Crete, Rhodes ... where human victims were sacrificed chosen from among the criminals condemned to death ( Macrobius, Saturnalia I 7-15; Porfirio De abst. II 54 )


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