Monday, January 31, 2011

Happened Tawnee Stone

Marriage in Greece: ἐγγύη

In Greece, the most important rite of passage for a girl was on her marriage . Posed an abrupt change in a few hours, the separation who had been his ο κος and entry into a new and unknown as also of women , that is, adult, not a child. Thus, the state spent παρθ νος that of ν μφη for, before long, when giving birth to her first child, become γυν . And not only that, but let be under the tutelage of his father for being so under that of her husband and she was expected to be sexually active for the first time in his life.

The first step toward wedding ritual was γγ η , ceremony, relatively informal and after that was made to specify the details of the agreement, which represented the marriage between the legal guardian of the bride and groom, or their legal guardian . The marriages were arranged, often for political reasons or for money , ie it was a contract, a commercial transaction. In Iphigenia in Aulis , for example, Clytemnestra asked her husband to discuss the economic situation and the groom's lineage ( Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis, 694-695 ) saying

το ὒ Ὲ νομα μ ν ο ν παιδ ' ο δ' τ κατ νεσας , γ νους δ πο ί ου χ ποθεν μαθε ν θ λω

know the name of the young man who you've promised, but I know what race is and where

The Greek word γγ η refers to that which is placed in their hands as collateral ( Bailly, A., Dictionnaire Grec-Français, voice γγ η , pg. 566) and, perhaps, confirm that a handshake between the two sides used to seal the marriage agreement, an idea is reflected in Herodotus , who, speaking of the marriage of the son of Croesus writes ( Herodotus, Histories , I 35 ):

χοντος δ ο ν χερσ το παιδ ς τ ν γ ὸ μον

And think this handshake may have been accompanied by a formula usually ( Menander, Perikeiromene , 894-895 ):

τα την γνησ ων πα δων π ' τ ρ ί σοι δ Δωμι

I surrender to it for procreation of legitimate children

The betrothal ceremony could take place several years before marriage, even if the bride was very young and had not reached menarche . He remembered dowry that the parent or guardian of the bride hand over to her future husband and used to be composed of a combination of things: land, money and goods, including slaves . Although actually father was not legally obligated to provide a dowry to the bride , was a way to show the richness of an Athenian family and a good dowry improved the situation of a wealthy family . came to be cited as legal argument to reveal the official status of a marriage and to confirm the legitimacy of children ( Iseo, Speeches, III on the heritage of Pirro, 8 ):

ν τιν ἥ

ποτε προ κ φησιν ς πιδο ὺ κξο ναι τ ν δελφ ν μεμαρτυρηκ ς τ τ ν τριτ λαντον ο ἶ κον κεκτεμ ν ...

who has witnessed who married his sister who had a fortune of three talents says that is the dowry given at the time ...

Plato in Laws VI, 774 C , suggests that a large dowry may upset the balance of power (the husband over the wife) within the marriage and recommends a limit of 50 drachmas dowry. Thus, he says, the result would :

βρις δ ττον among women I Ms. I traffickers a humble the Ms. I a NELE summer by a Ch automatically the As I c register the name c gnoit ' Ah Law

Habría menor insolencia por Part of the wives and less would be the humiliation and servitude by her husband because of money.

From Plato's text would appear that the dowry was a source of power for women within the ο κος _ husband actually in case of divorce, the dowry should be returned in full and had to be holding back potential verbal or physical abuse by her husband _ However, women did not own dowry, but the control they exercised the same men in her life . It has been said earlier in this article rule was exercised over the young, first, the father. If he died, the paternal uncle acted as his guardian until he contracted marriage, when the protection rested with the husband. If widowed or divorced, returned to its original guardian or, if your eldest son was an adult, could remain in the ο κος marriage under his tutelage. Any change in the social status of women marriage, divorce or widowhood had resulted in a change of guardian, but also the incorporation a new household or return to their ο κος native . This text Demosthenes illustrates that the dowry was owned by men :

μ γ ὴ μαντος δ 'α το τ ν μητ ὴ ρα τ ὴ ν μ ν, μ ν ν μος κελε ει τ ν προ κ' φε λειν π' νν ' βολο ς ( Demosthenes, Against Áfobo I, 17 )

But in the case of my mother not to marry, the law declares that he owes me the amount of dowry with an interest in nine mites month

The women were legal minors equivalent, why could not manage any property . A law cited by the Athens Iseo, indicates that the legal capacity women to make financial transactions was severely limited ( Iseo, Contra Jeneneto 10. 10 ):

The law expressly prohibits hiring a child, like a woman when it exceeds a barley medimni

Marina Picazo in Someone will remember us. Women in ancient Greek city , explains that the medimni barley was worth about three drachms in the s. IV BC and amounted to about 52 liters, rations meant an adult for 24 days. That amount was enough to feed a family for 5 or 6 days and had to be what was needed for a woman could make small business transactions, such as those made in the markets.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dental Reminder Letter

Vladivostok does not give

old and well known history is that Zaragotham suffered two sites, and its citizens forcefully ass kicked by two senior jerifaltes gringos. It is also known that the Grandeur made him lie strongly in the Arc de Triomphe consigning the name of my city as a victory of dwarf goat (no, I do not mean Sarkozy). At the conclusion of the second site of 55,000 civilians have died Zaragoza 34,000. States soon. Typhus and starvation were the ones who actually paid to Zaragoza.

That's just to make clear that, like my city, my environment at least not this fall, and sink the world. Here I am, dead of sleep and surrounded by remembrance of discomfort of low, medium and high, but give them all of them: more than express my resistance to the discomfort from the madding crowd, noted that no test tomorrow Modes, which are at the foot canyon playing often enough to make your guitar riffs (which matches that I am) still thinking in more of a musician confession than anything else, keep scoring in green ideas for new songs, and it is very well thinking about the next 11 - 02-11 (cool date eh no?), day of the concert along with Los Modes in Power Zeta Board.

I keep piling books you should read but am lazy about it, I better, before anything else, which I strongly recommend King's Speech , the awesome movie I have seen in recent times. The only question is how I feel about the film: we love the scenery of British historical films by excelentcia, or because they have made our taste take as good a way to make the British filmmakers dedicated to film historical films? I think of this (which is sublime), but I think Brideshead Revisited and many others ... I do not know. In however, this is an awesome movie with two actorazo you die in front; of those films as well, which shows the stupidity of systematic dubbing.

Well, enough for tonight. I'm by myself to put words in large capitals, according to the cries netiquette, but I suspect that only receive great Letraz in type 18 or 20, evidence of surrounding eco absences.

Kisses and hugs.

What Do Mean By Near Syncope

pig Testament

time ago I read a funny text dated in the month of skylights kalendas luminaires, sub die XVI Kal. Lucerninas . According Gaffiot lanterns means they are needed to work the skylights ( lamps) , so it must be the winter months, December or January. As we are in one of these months, coinciding with the feast of San Antoni del Porquet me back to memory, is testament to the pig Corocotta, Testamentum Porcelli

is an anonymous composition dating from the fourth century that parody the Roman legal act of making a will dividing the property between family and friends describing his mausoleum and funerary inscription that was to appear. For the testimony of St. Jerome ( Lib. XII Commentary on Isaiah) thought that was very popular because it tells us

Legions of children laughing, singing in school reciting the will of the Pig Grumpy Corocotta

What relates Milesian fables that offer fun and games compared to Plato's texts that require work and effort.

The general tone of the composition is fun to contribute some invented names such as witnesses signing the will, and very clearly nomen Grunnius , which resembles the grunting of these animals or the use of some specific terms ( (lumbuli, uesica, cauda, \u200b\u200bmusculi, Popi, pistillum) as a pun funny-erotic interpretation of which has been studied Sandra Ramos Maldonado in Habis 36 (2005), 407-421

now present the translation of Alicia M. Canto, whose article you can read this whole link

Here begins the will of the pig.

Corocotta Grumpy the pig Marco made a will. Since I could not write my own hand, dictated to write it.

kitchen, chef, said: "V in here, destroying the house, soil snout, pig elusive, I today to end your life. " Corocotta Pig said: "Please, if I did something wrong, if anything eg what if I broke my leg the dishes, ay, sir cook, you forgive me life , be lenient with you please. " Cooker Cook said, "Go, click, and acércame a knife from the kitchen, I'll crack and bleed the pig. "

The pig was caught and taken raised by the sixteenth day before the month of the lamps, when an abundance of cabbage in the year of the consuls Baking and pepper. When he realized he was dying, asked for time to time and asked the cook to let him do his will . A voice called him and his family own, so that each receives some of its provisions.

And says: "My father, Boar Buttery, I give and bequeath to will deliver 30 measures of acorns, and my mother, suckling Old Lady, I give and bequeath to deliver you 40 measures of wheat in Laconia; Romulina my sister, whose wedding I could not go, I give and bequeath to deliver you 30 measures barley. Also give what is mine and I will donate more intimate: the shoemakers my sows, the quarrelsome my nose, my ears to the deaf, my tongue to the shyster and charlatan, my gut Jammed us the beef, my thighs to Saladores ham, my sex sites for women, the boys my bladder , girls my tail, my muscles to ladybugs, my ankles strong runners and hunters, thieves my hooves. And without cite by name, leave a legacy to cook mortar and pestle that I had brought with me from Thebest to Tergeste: I wish to hang a string of garlic! "

"And I want to be a monument erected to funeral, with this inscription in gold letters:

"(Here lies) Marco Corocotta Fudd, Pig,

lived 999 years and a half

had he lived a half,

would completed the thousand years "

the ones I love or who has
beige decided on my life, I beg you to do something good with my body, condimentéis my soft tissue with good spices peppers and honey, that my name be remembered forever. Mine owners and relatives who have attended the act of my will, do the favor of signing it. "

Mantecón signed. Signed Byte of
Meat. Cumin Roasted signed. Roast signed the Lucania. Back Grilled signed. Roasted signed Celso. Bridal Roast signed.

Here ends happily testament L pig, made the sixteenth day before the month of the year the consulate lamps Bake and pepper.

Among the inheritance left to the boys the bladder, we know by Marcial XIII, XLVII that or saba is to make the ball they called follis

away Go away, young. A block away I delicate age: the ball is well

children's play, the ball, the elderly.

In the translation of the names of the witnesses has been preferred to use the ways of cooking the pig in Roman times (you can find some in the Blog Re Coquinaria ) but if taken literally are Lardión, Ophel Cuminato, Lucan, Tergilo, Celsino, Bridal.

Given that this little book has a double meaning in an erotic tone, like parts of pigs have left a legacy humorous reading, also the names of witnesses, Lucanicus refers to a type of sausage. Varro in De lingua latina says

Al sausage made with the large intestine called Lucan (Lucan sausage) because the soldiers learned the recipe of Lucan.

To understand the hilarity that produced the children some of these words, Varro in of Agri culture II, 4, 9-10 gives us a clue:

Pig in Greek is called "h and" before "thys", derived from the word "thyein" meaning immolate. It seems that this animal was one of the first sacrificed to the goddess Ceres, at the beginning of peace kills a pig, like before the wedding, the ancient kings and senior men Etruria, before the marriage, the bride and her husband immolated a pig. Also the early Latin and Greek in Italy appear to do so. Besides Roman women, especially maidens, called the female "porcum" and Greek "choeron" as a sign of consent.

There are many curiosities about the pig that Charo has collected in an article in De Re Coquinaria which I recommend reading.

UPDATE 26-I-2011

Desde el Hortus Hesperidum agradecemos mucho a la profesora Sandra Ramos que haya compartido en la red su artículo sobre el lenguaje del Testamentum Porcelli, de esta manera podemos entender muy bien el juego de de palabras y sus connotaciones eróticas.
Este es el enlace al artículo y a su blog S.A.L. Scriptorium Academicum Latinum

Plurimas gratias, Sandra!!

Images: m osaico of the Vatican Museums and m olde a pig found in Villa Regina, Boscoreale. Museum Boscoreale

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis


In Greece we find a festival called Kroni , dedicated to the god Kronos , as the god of harvest associated Rea. Originally this festival was held only in places like Samos, Colophon and some islands and cities neighbors, would soon pass from there to the region of Attica , where he was held near Olympeion , place where was the sanctuary of these gods . There were about festivals, agricultural, of great antiquity, in which solemn sacrifices and banquets ( Macrobius, Saturnalia I.7 and I. 10.22. ), the latter being most original of them, as masters changed their places with the slaves . This situation also appeared in other Greek festivals such as Peloria of Thessaly or Pitoigia of Antesterias ...

Given its agricultural character and to be held on 12 Hecatombeón (ex Kronion ) have been seen as a holiday crop in which Kronos appear as the god who kills the wheat . For other would like a sickle symbol the reapers with whom he had maimed Kronos his father Uranus whose blood had made the land fertile . Following for other be a commemoration of the Golden Age, described by Hesiod . Finally, as a New Year Festival , because it was also a ritual role reversal, as Roman Saturnalia, and celebrated in the month began the year in the Athenian calendar .

had a very ancient origin, it is deemed to have been introduced by Cecrops , one of the mythical kings of Attica . According to Louis Couve ( Dictionnaire des Antiquités grecques et romanes , pg. 870 et seq. Paris, 1911 ), bearing in mind that Kronos is a god who belongs to the same cycle mythical heroes and giants Peloro Géraistos , festivals lead to first time it was popular attached to farming, that is, were people's own holiday village made under the sponsorship of their own deities.

In Rome, the god Kronos was explicitly identified with Saturn and Saturnalia, the festival celebrated in his honor, are clearly identified with classical Athens Kroni . The biggest difference between them is the timing, it fell upon a collection of fruits from July to August, coinciding, as we said, with the new year in Athens, while the others were held in December ended the year just as the Romans . Both will drink Eastern tradition: the Greek directly, through the Roman Greece. In the case of Greece, we can not know the details of the date of transmission of these rituals, but it seems reasonable to think it was during the seventh century, When Lydia expanded its territory to the borders of northern Syria and, therefore, could come into contact with that area Ionian ( HW Parke, Festivals of the Athenians , London, 1977, pg. 29-30 )

Moreover , JG Frazer (The Golden Bough . A study in magic and religion , London, 1911-1915. P. VI pg. 306 et seq. And 407 and ss.) remember in Babylon were held annually Sacaea and relates to the Saturnalia by making the choice of saturnalicius rex, but also with other practices such as those that arose in the temple of Diana Nemorensis where Everything was under the power of the priest-king, a character that should be replaced by one who killed him:

"If the omens indicated that a national disaster was imminent or that the king was threatened by the danger, it is was in a dilemma, perhaps the king had served evil gods, so that their continuation in office endangered the welfare of state, and on the other hand, it was also possible that the people God wants us to protect his chosen servant, for lack of evidence that he had rescinded his decree of election, the people dared not dismiss " ( H. Frankfort, Kings and Gods , Madrid, 1976. 284 )

The solution found to solve this situation was to install for a limited time a person or object that we substitute . Do not forget that the king in Mesopotamia played an essential role since his task was to remain and continue so that after the mess return to shine harmony of nature. The king was the key figure in the great rite of the renewal of life to be held in the so-called New Year Festival and in which, after purification on the Day of Atonement on the fifth of Nisan was humbled to then return to its place in that society . This substitution of the king was always the character of protection and substitute king, who ruled for a specified time, was killed at the end to thus eliminate the dangers and misfortunes which threatened the true king . However, the replacement was complete, having even enjoy the right to substitute the king's concubines, which indicates that it was not a ritual or a game more or less figured, given the closed nature of the heritage of an Oriental despot . At parties Sacaea of \u200b\u200bBabylon it would free a prisoner who went on to take the place of the king and that ultimately was sacrificed. On the other hand, in all the slave houses were chosen which provided that should be done at the domestic ( S. Langdon, The Babylonian and Persian Sacaea , Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1924, pg. 65 et seq. )

The replacement action is found in the Roman Saturnalia, but reduced the level of a game and festive ritual, and the Greek Kroni, but tangentially to appear in places like Crete, Rhodes ... where human victims were sacrificed chosen from among the criminals condemned to death ( Macrobius, Saturnalia I 7-15; Porfirio De abst. II 54 )

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Often Do You Get Sick If You Have Hiv

Winter 2011. Second Assessment Calendar

again begin normal pace of activity after the Christmas holidays with what is already common at the beginning of each quarter:

  • Furthermore, I want to comment that among these materials is also included as a novelty, a link to a public calendar gmail which is a classic agenda the major events of the Greco-Roman world and a link to our calendar the s graecaeque Feriae Romanae.

In case you like most other smaller calendar, look at these pages you will find:

- even smaller calendar English

We hope you find them useful.

Plurimam Salutem!