Monday, August 31, 2009

Do You Need A Prescription For A Catheter

Ah, l'été ...

Verano, ese periodo del año en que se disfrutan las vacaciones. Oh, cuán gozosos momentos...

... en su caso (joder).

Digamos que una vez más la actualización de este su bló se ha demorado eones. No me tomo la molestia de justificarme: soy un puto desastre, lo sé. Eso sí, así como otros años he aprovechado la tradicional molicie estival y los tiempos vacacionales para publicar algo, este año no ha podido ser.

Programaba para myself a ticket (with potential short-and medium-expansion after several subentries) ordered to clear me and hearing my transtienda almost nonexistent spiritual-musical-that is, talk about my music, those bands that are obligatory reference if you talk about Hans as a musician. He had thought about how to group them, in what order they would talk about one thing and another, how to avoid replicating the famous HORNBY . Finally, it was clear: since, in addition, the yutube that facilitates modeling, would be even educational for all Vdes.

caressed it-is-a blogoproyecto ambitious blogger these days of widespread apathy, which, in particular, would run in the evening August French. Until then, moderate sun shots at pool and beach Huelva (Islantilla more by token), or shrimp and thin, a film (certainly Public Enemies, I saw much later and much farther north than planned, as I shall explain below ).

But no. Could not be, as you will see Vdes. below.
also say that this 2009 (at least the first seven months, until the day 2009-07-31) year has been a lot of overhead for Hans. A lot. It is the policy of the house to the grill with my work as Kapellmeister of Provincial Associations of Garden Plants settlers, but the fact is that the absorption by that of another existing-that, among many others reasons, which include some effects of the crisis that the subnormal liar want solve by raising taxes, has been pretty bad and it is a necessary element in understanding the status of Hans prevacacional.

In short: I was very, but very tired and needed water holiday as May. Or August, more precisely: the very beginning day 31.

Thus, a priori, my vacation started from a base ambitious, very European, very little Yankee: three weeks at three suns, the first, in the beautiful South of the country, the second and third, in Aix-en-Provence , beautiful village of Provence, France (as its name suggests) that, following the model oxoniano of Chez Hans , would continue French classes, each of the five at their level . Any Kapelmeister equivalent to me but practicing in, put Boston (Mass.) will throw their hair envy with twenty days of idleness.

Of course, we must consider the whole first week was spent at my mother, the same day, August 1 proceeded to cause a sprain double, despite his insistence that she, poor , who pushed us mounted on his crutches for us to go, we had to stay to give moral and physical support, yes, 44 degrees in the shade and no beach within a radius of 120 km. around. In all honesty, reading sessions were long and fruitful, so in that sense was not bad: several Camilleri, several Mendozas, several Connolly and a few other things that might comment later. This was therefore my first week of vacation . Or better, nocaciones .

Finally, on the weekends on which we had come back to Zaragotham for the mandatory exchange of luggage and re-exit direction Aix, where we eat after a significant amount of cake that bouchon Saturday preparing for competition in the Languedocciene . For just a hundred miles, something like ten hours by car.

There are two schools to explain the dizziness stratospheric suffered from the same day I arrived in Gaul: the thesis of stress (because of my 'vertiginous syndrome' to say to the first French doctor who treated me) and the thesis of the overdrive (because of diagnosis, more accurate, it seems, my English otolaryngologist, 'benign paroxysmal positional vertigo' ). Either titles disease are the most evocative: it of 'rapid', to me, makes me a puna, really. Such suggestiveness no secret that involves severe dizzy bitch on holiday. Ciborium.

Luck is that accommodation in Aix had been carefully searched, and it was a beautiful building on two levels, with a touch flat with tasteful, spacious and comfortable (sorry, I know there are photos at home but I have how to access them.) I do not know how it would have happened if I had to paste an entire week without leaving home in a shack infamous, because that was my second week of nocaciones . Almost all of it in bed, btw. In all honesty, I was dizzy in the midst of scary-good sleep, so in that sense it was not bad (what sounds like the phrase?).

Finally, when he the third week, the dizziness had submitted-part-so at least I could attend my class and my self-esteem reinforce francophone without undue suffering, until noon. Then and, in general, I was dying (though one day we could make a excursioncita 25 kilometers or so), but hey, I will not complain. I will admit I had a third week of Vacation? .

Zaragotham We arrived on Sunday, after blazing through Cadaqués step to try the paella mandatory Ix (Best of the Mediterranean, whatever they say the people of Valencia). On Monday he worked. It was sheathed a suit and tie a necktie, et voilà, s'ayez, c'est finis . As Hans is I-DIO-TA (and they said The Ronaldos ), which was reached on Tuesday and was ferpecto . Like a rose. Cagandome at all, but like a rose.

Ah, well, and saw, as in Zaragotham, saying that the movie up there. What a neat atmosphere, what exquisite props, what sets impeccable, which band-original sound, bold, bright, "which strictly technical ... and what the hell the American standard that forces the movies last about two hours to tell stories be solved in 80 or 90 minutes with dignity, and only for reasons of gate receipts. That is the slab of the film. Otherwise it is good.

So that: I had a vacation Kapelmeister own Provincial Association of Settlements Garden Plants with exercise in, say, Boston (Massachusetts). But not much $, of course.

I hope yours, of you. have been more dignified. Vacation, say. Kisses & hugs to everyone.


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