Monday, April 25, 2011

Make Noise Makers For Cheer


When I went to shave like every morning, I noticed on both sides of the face on the part of the cheekbones, I had red spots, and it was warm in those areas. It would be some sort of rash. Days passed and that rather than removed or reduced, it was the opposite, increasing all the time, both in extent and the sensation of heat, if that was not itching or stinging, it was hot, as if he had any heat source near the face. The doctor prescribed me an ointment called Peitel cream (a topical corticosteroid Prednicarbate is characterized by its pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-exudative and antipruritic).
I was giving her a few days, the spots appear and disappear regularly. In one of the regular revison Cordoba, Department of Rheumatology, exposed him to the rheumatologist. The doctor asked me a blood test a little more specific. Had to be urinating on a boat from light for 24 hours. In the blood than a normal, included the review of ANA and anti DNA.

-. The ANA are antibodies present in people whose immune systems may be causing inflammation against their own body tissues. The antibodies that attack its own tissues are called autoantibodies. When the immune system acts against his own body, develops autoimmunity.
antinuclear antibodies (ANA). Are autoantibodies directed against the nucleus of cells, and are positive in almost all patients with SLE.
ANA reveal the possibility that a person has an autoimmune disease.
is important to remember that a positive result on the ANA test by itself is not a confirmation of the presence of lupus. ANA
analysis is not a test for lupus. There is no specific test for lupus. The ANA test is only a screening test to help guide physicians in various directions. -.

anti-DNA antibodies are native autoantibodies directed against the cell's genetic material and are characteristic of lupus (not present in any other illness.) Are determined with some regularity since their blood levels appear to relate to SLE activity (increase when active), so that helps doctors assess the degree of disease activity. -.

anti-Sm antibodies are named for the first patient ("Smith") in their blood were detected. Found almost exclusively in SLE and often help confirm the diagnosis.


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