Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Swot Analysis Hairdresser


The test result was positive in ANA and anti DNA, concluding that he could have a secondary pseudolúpico sídrome drugs as contained in the analytical attached to this text.
Several drugs can induce a lupus like syndrome , this type of lupus (which is very similar in characteristics to systemic lupus erythematosus) can be induced reversible, since the deceased is suspended, in this case a biological medicine .
The problem is that as yet I have spondylitis in active phase, I have to appreciate that the like lupus can be tolerated to avoid withdrawal the biological (Enbrel), and thus have a relapse and the subsequent outbreak or progression of ankylosing spondylitis.
This syndrome begins during the treatment of certain drugs and biologicals, rarely leads anti ds DNA (although in my case seems to have tested positive), anti DNA levels are variable and increase often with the disease activity especially when there is renal involvement.
The clinical significance of ANA has been known for over 40 years. But in recent years have made progress in identifying their specific immune; and some of them have proved useful for diagnosis and monitoring of patients.
The list of drugs that can cause this syndrome is extensive.
The name's origin is unknown, the word lupus means "wolf", you can because the patient's face was swollen like a wolf's face scratched. It usually occurs in the nose and cheeks, malar erythema shaped like butterfly wings.
drug-induced lupus is reversible, occurring in patients who have been treated for an illness for a long time.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Make Noise Makers For Cheer


When I went to shave like every morning, I noticed on both sides of the face on the part of the cheekbones, I had red spots, and it was warm in those areas. It would be some sort of rash. Days passed and that rather than removed or reduced, it was the opposite, increasing all the time, both in extent and the sensation of heat, if that was not itching or stinging, it was hot, as if he had any heat source near the face. The doctor prescribed me an ointment called Peitel cream (a topical corticosteroid Prednicarbate is characterized by its pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-exudative and antipruritic).
I was giving her a few days, the spots appear and disappear regularly. In one of the regular revison Cordoba, Department of Rheumatology, exposed him to the rheumatologist. The doctor asked me a blood test a little more specific. Had to be urinating on a boat from light for 24 hours. In the blood than a normal, included the review of ANA and anti DNA.

-. The ANA are antibodies present in people whose immune systems may be causing inflammation against their own body tissues. The antibodies that attack its own tissues are called autoantibodies. When the immune system acts against his own body, develops autoimmunity.
antinuclear antibodies (ANA). Are autoantibodies directed against the nucleus of cells, and are positive in almost all patients with SLE.
ANA reveal the possibility that a person has an autoimmune disease.
is important to remember that a positive result on the ANA test by itself is not a confirmation of the presence of lupus. ANA
analysis is not a test for lupus. There is no specific test for lupus. The ANA test is only a screening test to help guide physicians in various directions. -.

anti-DNA antibodies are native autoantibodies directed against the cell's genetic material and are characteristic of lupus (not present in any other illness.) Are determined with some regularity since their blood levels appear to relate to SLE activity (increase when active), so that helps doctors assess the degree of disease activity. -.

anti-Sm antibodies are named for the first patient ("Smith") in their blood were detected. Found almost exclusively in SLE and often help confirm the diagnosis.

Friday, April 22, 2011

How Does Omeprezole Work


returned to the dermatology consultation the day indicated. To my surprise the culture of the nail had come out negative, there were fungi. So what was that?. It seemed that they were mushrooms, for nothing. The blood test was normal. Given this, the dermatologist told me it could be small traumas in the nails, a disease belonging to the onychodystrophy.
Is there a rule then all relationships biological side effect?, It appeared that it was.
He prescribed some sticky pads to stick onto affected nails.
Returning to his office was subject to no improvement in symptoms. If all went well, and the drug took effect, it was obvious that we should not meet again (which then happened for a few spots appeared on the skin).
The brand name was Fine vin patches Plus (Fine had also just vin). Fine vin Plus dressings are a superfine film with an adhesive layer that seals the nail normalizing their water balance (water balance in the intracellular and extracellular compartments of the body), adhere to the nail and can be a shower and wash without problems of detachment.
nails are protected. The patches contain sertaconazole (Antifungal broad spectrum dermatophytes, opportunistic filamentous fungi, yeasts and Gram +), component to neutralize fungi and bacteria preventing infection and spread.
patches come in three sizes, S, M, and XL, I bought at the pharmacy (not entered the health insurance) S and XL, to cut and adapt to each type of nail. I change (because of my back ankylosis they had to make ATS) once a week.
The onychodystrophy affects a significant proportion of the population, and the incidence and prevalence of the cunning of nail growth increases with age. immunocompromised patients, the elderly, diabetics ... alterations more frequently than the rest of the population.
The onychodystrophy has a very slow evolution is also different in the fingernails and toenails due to the different pace of growth.
The disease with which it relates are, onychomycosis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis ...
also occur frequently traumatic dystrophies.
Between 3 and 8% of the European population suffers onychodystrophy.
month after the application of the patches already noticing improvement was remarkable, nails were no longer so black. Parts of the affected nails fell off giving way to the growth of healthy nails.
nails gradually returned to normal appearance. The problem was solved.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virtually Paint Your Bmx Bike


A morning shower I realized I had some toenails a dark color. At first I did not give much importance, but as time passed he saw that aside from going dark more affected nails, the rest began to follow the same process. There was no pain, or no discomfort. The nails are put hard and thick. Noting that it was increasing all described, I consulted the doctor. The doctor at the first assessment he thought he was suffering from fungus, he prescribed me a liquid to the nails with a brush. I spent some days with this treatment but did not improve anything. I made a flyer and I made an appointment at the dermatology consultation.
When I called the Valley Regional Hospital Pedroches, took the medical report, the analysis that I had done in connection with the latest revision in the Rheumatology Service, Hospital Reina Sofía de Córdoba.
Dermatologist read the medical report and asked me some things about my illness. I was looking at the toes and nails, and now to the review said they were not what I had fungus on the nails. To complete security, asked the nurse to send her a kit to scrape some nails and make a laboratory culture. Before
awaiting the results, I returned to give a new appointment, I also requested a new analytical.
was a very kind and sympathetic dermatologist, was Argentina, and said he had a blog on the net, I asked management to take a look. Despite being a dermatologist, knew enough While biological therapies. When we talk about the ankylosing spondylitis, logically we spent a few minutes to biological. I told her about how I had to stop injecting Humira (adalimumab), and now had two years and as Enbrel (etanercept). In principle did not have to be a relationship between the nails and the biological, although the side effects may be instances of occurrences of fungi.
* have been reported serious and fatal infections, the pathogens identified include bacteria, mycobacteria (including tuberculosis), viruses and fungi. (Paragraph taken from a leaflet of Enbrel in the section on serious infections).


Monday, April 18, 2011

Free Scotsman Cartoon Clipart


Before starting with these entries, which deal with alleged effects side, which I have been suffering as a result of the use of biological therapies, I have to make some important clarifications:

.Ningún 1-producing drug is without side effects in the body.
2-.Una once appeared to be assessing whether to continue or abandon the medication.
3-.Esta decision must be made by the patient and his doctor.
4-.A is sometimes better to have any side effects that the disease.
5-.No is easy to find a direct relationship and medication side effects.
6-.La disease can change over the course of evolution without induction of the drug.
7-.Lo that a patient is doing well, another may not.
8-.Si read the side effects and worry and we do not take a pill.
9-.En any prospect of drugs there are many side effects.
10-.Lo happens to a patient does not have to happen to us. positive that the patient is informed of adversity but not obsessed with them.
12-.El patient should consult their doctor before something strange happens.
13-.Nunca change the dose or leave treatment without informing the doctor.
14-.La describe information that is personal and based on my own experience, but without being a generality to be considered for other patients.

The first thing I noticed were red spots in the area from shoulder to the elbow.
then nails got both feet blackish, hard and gradually chipping.
Finally I appeared on both cheeks red zones of similar shape.
This was reviewed and discussed by the appropriate specialist (dermatologist), arriving at conclusions and to relate treatment step.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How Many Round Cake Pans

Finalize 2011 2011

Saguntini Ludi clausi sunt . This is the phrase that just yesterday, the last day of the Ludi Saguntini 2011, rang in the ears of all those present at the theater in Sagunto. With this last edition was closed and gave way to the representation of Aulularia of Plautus conducted by the Molotov Theatre Group of Millau. As every year, since the launch in 2009, he was preceded a representation of recreation of a bubble this time reminisced and celebrated the Cerealia in honor of Ceres , y las Fordicidia , en honor a la diosa Tellus . Una comitiva encabezada por músicos partió de la Saguntina Domus Baebia camino del teatro. La formaban dos Lictores , dos Ediles Curules , las Vestales , el Flamen Cerealis , sus ayudantes y los oferentes, todos vestidos de blanco, como exige el ritual. Los Lictores, en latín, explicaron al público la celebración que estaban a punto de presenciar y le pidieron guardar silencio. Siguieron nuestros particulares Ediles Curules con un discurso, en griego y en latín, que dio paso al sacrificio de una cerda a Ceres llevado a cabo por nuestro Flamen Cerealis. During the speech, prepared the Vestal Mola Salsa and collected the ashes of pregnant cows slaughtered in the Fordicidia. Finally he offered to Ceres offerings of honey, flowers, milk and cereals.

The week has been, as in all editions, frantic, but this is precisely what makes it special, what stimulates us and encourages us to follow. The warm welcome they always have the activities offered by the students and teachers from different schools who visit us is for us the crucial stimulus that justifies and gives meaning to what we do. So, thank you for your presence, your interest, your participation, your patience ...

Through our workshops, and Capto Tempore Aetate Hominis: Infantia have been about 800 students. To each and every one thank you for the strong performance and we apologize for any delays, sometimes inevitable, and failures that, as humans, make. Hope have been able to teach something new and, if so, who can take advantage of the workshops offered. Yes we have learned from them, always take lessons and everything and everyone always learns something.

Special mention our students (IES Consuelo Aranda IES Alberic and Cárcer of CARC), who took care of our representation at the Forum Saguntinum for their selfless help always welcome. Thanks, guys!

Finally, our group also participated, as every year in the Journal Saguntino with an article about Rites of Passage in Greece , which sought to expand on what already works in the shop Aetate Hominis: Infantia , centered primarily in Rome. From this link can download the magazine, which I recommend reading because all items are of great interest.

Whoever wants to follow a detailed chronicle of the day to day this week you can read it here and, here you can see all the pictures of those days.

Ludi They finished the 2011, but we started to prepare the following. We'll meet again, as in the LUDI Saguntini 2012!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Harvest Moon Cheat Visual


Enbrel injections of 50 mg / ml are very comfortable to wear, are filled and has to be injected. The 25 mg / ml are a bit more complicated to prepare, especially for the patient begins to inject :
1-Wash your hands.
2-Remove the pink tongue of the boat containing the powder.
3-With one of the two swabs to rub the rubber stopper of the boat with the powder.
4-Insert into the pot penetrating the cap piercing through the gum.
5-Remove the cap, leaving the piercing into the boat.
6-Remove the protective cap from the syringe and then insert it into the piercing.
7-Push the plunger to empty the liquid from the syringe to mix with the powder. 8-Move
slightly without stirring.
9-Wait 7 to 10 minutes until the liquid is clear.
10-Remove the needle from its housing without touching it with your hands by inserting the needle in it.
11-Remove the liquid slowly and blow air into the syringe touches.
12-With the other swab stroking the area where we're going to prick.
13-Take a pinch and prick with the needle bent, then slowly into the liquid.
14-Remove the needle and do not rub the skin support with soft touches the swab until no blood.
15-Discard the needle into his capsule in a suitable container for this purpose.

I have reported already in the market filled injection pen, but so far to date, yet I have not been prescribed, so I have to follow all 15 steps enumerated above to get Biological my Enbrel injection.
ground I usually click on the belly, on the right side. When I put two injections of 25 mg / ml at week (now one of 25 mg / ml every 15 days), sometimes to avoid so many punctures encystment on the same site, I changed the left side but should do so in front of a mirror, since having fully ossified cervical vertebrae, I can not move or the whole head or neck. Other times to avoid handling the product in the bathroom, I injected into the thigh.
I continued with the regimen of two injections per week of 25 mg / ml, until I started noticing that something was happening to me. According to the relevant analytical had developed autoantibodies.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Is It Safe To Use Quadriderm Nf While Pregnant

Saguntini Ludi CAPTO and Aetate TEMPORE Workshop HOMINIS

The workshop Capto Tempore, consisting Ferrís Salut, Lluïsa Merino, Juanvi Santa Isabel and Amparo Moreno began his participation in Ludi Saguntini MMVI, as you can see in this news April 2006.

started focusing on the measurement of time in antiquity: from the mythic explanations and evolution calendars, sundials and water, the daily working hours of men and Roman women, complete with the festivities that mark the entire calendar warrior type, fertility, or farm and dedicated to honor the dead.

remember well meeting at my house decide the name we would give the workshop. There are many expressions related to time, some well known and some not so, you can see in this comprehensive list. Of these we chose TEMPORE CAPTO , seized the occasion, Latin word used by Livy and Virgil.
  • Livy in his Ab city Condit, Book III, IX, 7 says
[ 7] insidiatum eum et temp pray I catch adortum Publicam rem.

Echábale advantage in face circumstances had directed their attacks on the republic

  • Virgil uses it for his part in the E Neida, Book XI, 783

Telum tandem ex tempore cum insidiis I catch

at last when the time, from his hiding launches his dart

TEMPORE choose CAPTO because we understood that collected our intention to exploit the full time of the workshop to synthesize in one hour what it took centuries to know!

Well, since last year have addressed our concerns while also individual people's lives, so that on MMX Saguntini Ludi and the Domus Baebia present last term, so a bit experimental, workshop Aetate Hominis.

Finally the workshop of the Life Stages this year has been offered regularly in the Cultural Hall Baebia Domus Classic and will be done independently in Ludi 2011.

As we did with the workshop in ancient time we have developed a workbooks on different stages of life who have a theoretical and activities for working with end students. These are here and that I link you will get in the left margin in the section of Notebooks.

And also started a new evaluation (the third and !) we leave the link to the calendar 2010-2011 third assessment we offer you for use in class.

confident that our work you find interesting and useful.

Salutem plurimam!