Saturday, August 7, 2010

Traveling To China With A Camera

That'll tell you, my very dear and poor readers: I'm on holiday, equipped with my sonyvaio, artifact than usual it is only used for work and these days, however, is applied to more noble ends: see other peoples, alparcear féisbuques many, look here and there an overdrive -hand Seymour Duncan has me worried. Nothing pro, joy. Holiday

, such Vdes. imagine, I park my battered bones in the south of the country Dulce (mental note to find the discs The Beautiful South to get home). I finished work on completely bottomless July 30, more than ever, and I'm getting older, or is the logical result of the statistics produced by my padawanes (who commissioned the development of real working data January-July 2010 .) Irrelevant: I have come to vacation, and thus to shrimps and bar with a beer in genuine need. I read three newspapers every day (aside from me the bitter cup of "Sports Stadium", a product information obsessed with Betis and corruption jurgorística of Hercules, a plane-named team and Levantine strictly ethical ways. I sleep well, because Isla Antilla night enjoy a certain amount of ocean wind that bring tranquility and peace.

Leoa a slower pace than usual: Anatomy of a moment, by Javier Cercas, and CONCLUSIONS: The volume that has an interest , referred to the event occurred on February 23, 1981 and Don Adolfo Suárez, evidencing that the author has currado looking information and, moreover, also highlights that despite its nature can be understood vermilion-boggling, in the Fatherland-the motivations of a right-wing military beyond mere insult and disqualification . Is one of those books that should be recommended if and only if the potential reader is interested in history and in history. If not, bored. A MBO, for example, would not recommend it.

hand Now I have another police Nordic: Shout at the ice of CEDER Camilla. I have no idea if 'Fruset ögonblick' means that or if it is a traditional translations of these 'free' English. Possibly the only question that suggests to me the novel. And, despite being one of my highly appreciated birthday gift (yes, dear: 44 on 14 July) I was choking, so I can not, in fact, appreciate it. I fear that among novelists Swedish-Norwegian-Finnish fashion has become a model based on the fictional insult Scandinavian social democratic society too focused on the disasters that afflict and severe alcoholism large portion of the population. Oh, and by far flashback, which is cool. The writer, btw, is ten years younger than me. The same thing that irritates me is finding that it is increasingly remote possibility of being a young writer success: D.

The afternoon has greyish. After several days of sunshine a terrible and overwhelming heat, both documents have been lightened, leaving an ugly color stained the sky. Not everything can be, of course, but annoying. I'm going back to my light work. Are Vdes. well. Seize your vacation or, better, suggest that they will enjoy them when they touch enjoy.


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