Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bmx Paint Application


The sixth month of the Attic calendar is dedicated to the god Poseidon , who is called. This god, who rules the seas, which has the horse as he devoted animal and is represented iconographic a trident, starred alongside Athena, one of the most famous episodes of Greek mythology. When the Athenians were seeking a divinity that godfather, two deities were presented: Poseidon and Athena . Litigated between them for control of the city and the region of Attica : Athena offered the olive city, while Poseidon brought forth a spring of salt water . The Athenians did not hesitate to choose a patron goddess Minerva, and gave their name to the city.

month, which corresponds December-January for our calendar not have too many festivals. The first festival, the Neomenia , we find the first day of the month _ the first day of each calendar month in the attic was called Neomenia or Noumenía (of ν ος, new , and μ ν, month, moon ) _ It's a party fixed from time immemorial was being held at the new moon of each month at Syria, Egypt , Greece and Rome . In Egypt the ceremony was conducted with great pomp animals corresponding to the blue sign that they would enter the Sun and Moon ; in Greece offered sacrifices to the gods, especially Apollo , considered the father of light, months, seasons, day and night . The Neomenia were held with public feasts and games which alternated between rich and poor without distinction, were addressed to the gods solemn prayers and religious homage paid tribute to heroes and demigods. Participants received this holiday season Neomeniastés name . In Greece this day was also dedicated to the goddess Hecate , according to some authors, or Selene , according to others. Hecate is the personification of the new moon, while it would Selene the Moon when it starts to be visible in its first quarter increase. The two end up being associated with the goddess Artemis and together, Hecate, Selene and Artemis, would result in one of the most magical syncretism of Greek religion, the goddess TriForma or Artemis of the three faces, representing the New Moon, Crescent Moon and Full Moon, which is a manifestation the changing nature of the Moon.

We do not know what was the cult of Hecate , but it is an ancient deity domestic and magic character is a deity threshold, in fact, his epithet is Hecate the front of the doors , also called the Giver of Visions . represents the most negative world and is feared dead. Protection of the spirits that are in the house , so regular cleaning is made as a purification for the spirits leave and were driven to the crossroads, which were also the territory of this deity. To placate her, smeared with oil stones of the crossroads and he made offerings of coca, pasta, bread, oil, honey or milk.

In Rome, on the other hand, these parties were called Calendas, the name given also the first day of each month. They made sacrifices and led prayers to the gods in gratitude for the benefits they dispensed. The Kalends of March were the most solemn , since, in principle, that month was the first of the year on your calendar.

regard to the dates of the festivals held this month remaining, there is little agreement. For Haloas there who points on 5 Posideón , while others were transferred to day 25 or 26. The same applies to the Agricultural Dionysia : according to some, were held on 10, 11, 13 and 14, while others lead to 27, 28 and 29 of the month.

We limit, therefore, to describe what they were these festivals.

The Agricultural Dionysia or The Piraeus. Ascoli.

is one of the many festivals that were held in Athens in honor of Dionysus . In general, we can say that Dionysia had practically the whole year and divided into ancient, modern, major, minor, picnics, vernal, autumnale, night ... With regard to that concern us, the countryside or Piraeus, also called Ascoli (gr. σκ ς, wineskin, flayed animal skin) had three parts: Thoinia, Ascoli, Iobacco , corresponding to each of the days were celebrated. In the first part, ie the first day, we have no news whatsoever, of the second, Ascoli, we know that jumping on one foot on a bottle filled with wine and rubbed with oil and contests that were made to see who managed to not fall or slip . We also perform a procession around a huge phallus, symbol of fertility, which sought to promote the productivity of fields planted in the fall . In it, a young carrying a basket full of raisins or nuts, and a pot of legumes offered to God, and leading a goat to sacrifice, because being an animal that kills the vine leaves to feed, is the enemy of Dionysus . The Phallus was conducted on long poles or sticks for Phallophoros , ministers of God, who crowns of violets and ivy on his head, and masks of green branches, phallic sang, sort of verses Free ; were then Ithyphallophoros that women dressed in white suits, adorned with garlands and flowers in their hands imitating the gestures of drunkenness . was a joyous festival in which participants sang, dancing and shouting obscenities at those who were on the road. Slaves were also involved. From s. V BC, demoi most important and rich added drama. The last day was the Iobacco (gr. ἰὼ Β κχε ), in which the maenads invoked the god of joy and shouting samples ἰὼ Β κχε!

The Haloas (gr. λω ς, was where the grain was threshed )

Celebration, in honor of Demeter, Core and Dionysus. It is a feast of purification . The party was reserved for women and included the disclosure of secrets relating to femininity. Part of the festival was the profession of obscenities, which the company had sex symbols and abundant libations of wine . Haloas The began in Athens and ended in Eleusis, where the judges were preparing a meal with products from the land and sea, except those that were banned in the Eleusinian Mysteries : pomegranates, apples, eggs, etc. When the banquet was ready, he left everything in the hands of women.

women spent all night watching the light and heat from the fires . The city gave them firewood, in addition to the floorboards.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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César Clock Athenodorus

The Romans divided the 24-hour workday, 12 hours for daylight time ( dies ) and 12 hours of the night (nox ).
daytime hours were referred to by adjectives ordinal
first hour, secunda, tertia, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth.
turn grouped in six hours ante meridiem (am) and six post meridiem (pm) since the axis dividing the day was the meridies, noon which coincided with the sixth hour.

An easy way to link Roman times and ours is add six to the Roman ordinal. Thus, if the tertia hours will be the current nine o'clock, if the tenth hours will be 16 hours, ie four of our clock.

Night was divided into four watches of three hours each, marked by changes in military night-watch: waking premium (6 to 9 pm) , waking secondary (9 to 12 pm) , tertia vigil (12 to 3 am) , and fourth vigil (3 to 6 am).

The workshop TEMPORE CAPTO we have developed a special watch that we named Caesar clock in order to know how the Romans measured several times a day trying to make a comparison between our watches and division time of the ancient Romans.

is a dodecahedron, twelve-sided geometric figure, with an inner side for
Horae (twelve hours) and an external one for four Vigiliae (twelve hours of the night).

Day: internal Quadrant

There are twelve designated sides of I to XII. Each side corresponds to one hour. The first began at dawn and lasted about an hour. The twelfth was the last of the day, ended with the sunset, then begin Vigiliae.

Example: the arrow of hours is between 10 and 11 a day to the Romans was the Time V.

Night: External Quadrant

The outer quadrant is divided into four sectors corresponding to the four watches. The Vigils are for night duty shifts of the Roman guards that lasted about three hours.

Example: the arrow of hours is between 22 and 23 hours a day, is for the Romans II Memorial.
Looking at this clock like a Caesar current the first hour we understand as six in the morning, secondary as seven, etc ... until you reach the sixth hour are already noon.

For if you will make your Roman clock we leave the link will download this clock Caesar here. The instructions are simple: Cut out the figure and paste it onto cardboard. With a binder bolt placed in the center and you have your own clock of Julius Caesar.

hope you find useful.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kates Playground New Dideo


Memacterión , Deutero the month ends, year 2 of the 100 Olympiad

De Athenodorus to Herágenes, greetings.

Χα ρε, Herágenes, old friend!

this be another of those letters on my desk patiently wait for the auspicious day for departure, as will all future until the reopening of trade routes. It does not matter too much, the very idea that read them and write the very fact comfort me enough. On the other hand, I am old to trust in my memory and I prefer to write when events are still fresh in it if it helps me Mnemosyne and her daughters have a good visit.

Paso, then, in this peaceful DYSIS and before Selene fit entirely in place in the firmament, relatarte everything in this our ancient Athens has happened worth mentioning. You know, even if your absence is already long, that Memacterión a month is not exactly characterized by the abundance of social events and major festivals . After the festival Proerosias last month the feast of the first plowing, for the goddesses of Eleusis protect the crop and the seed may flourish , it is quieting Stormy Zeus to have kindly give us a calm autumn and few storms that can damage the field or, it must be said, to punish my old bones, which do not support the humidity of this season. The Zeus Maimaktes Pompa, our chthonic Zeus and agriculture, was held last Decat the last decade of the month . And as if Zeus himself Serna was in a position favorable Helios was amazing and Pompa uneventful: they were leading the procession, carrying the Hieróforos Koidion God (Zeus the fleece), the sacrificial lamb and other holy objects , they followed the Archon Basileus and liturgist , girls ending procession of famous families as canephorus with baskets full of flowers . When the bubble came to the temple, the liturgist raised their prayers to God as the Archon Basileus purified the victim with lustral water. The lamb for slaughter went to their doom without hesitation and the participants kept a respectful silence when the Archon Basileus killed it with his dagger. What more could you want? He probably liked to Zeus because he still enjoyed his mercy and Helios bonanza that raised when the Thunderer permits.

your memory has always been very good, so remember, surely, that it was not the only event of the month. The next day was carried out festival in remembrance of those killed in the battle of Platea and, yes, old friend, he made the old fashioned way. They have taken shape, at least not yet, the winds of reform are breathing even before your departure. What did they say? Ah, yes, I remember! They said they had long passed since Thucydides relates in his book, The Peloponnesian War, that day of mourning in which Pericles himself praised the courage of the fallen and the parents whose children had perished in that battle ; much it had rained, they said, no sense to do exactly what was done then, we had to subtract emotion that Athens could not live in the past ... Memec! Fortunately we still have politicians who value importance of that battle and the fact that it was the blood of our young people that, watering the fields of Plataea, make possible the final victory against the Persians . Well deserved, therefore, to be remembered with dignity, even if it means plunging into tears a thousand times. And so, Herágenes, my friend. Athens plunged into deep mourning in memory of those brave just the day after the joy that was the Zeus Maimaktes bubble. According to ancient custom, the coffins were exposed, which once housed the bones of the fallen, and all who would be approached with offerings to fill them. When the time came the funeral, each of the tribes carried the coffin in cars due to it, one per tribe, and an empty bed, fully prepared: that of the missing could not be found and collected, to the grave public were available to them outside the city . took part in the tour he wanted, but I assure you, Herágenes, virtually the entire city was present, was much the crowd. As the procession reached the foot of the tomb, placed in boxes filled with earth and flower beds were empty and who, recalling his ancestors, he wept and mourned deeply. It gave a speech of praise which fell after preliminary vote in a venerable old man, an octogenarian whom the gods have granted long life, grandson of one of those killed. It was so emotional, Herágenes, which moved the crowd dispersed and in deep silence and respect for what he had heard. You know how difficult it may be that in a city as noisy as Athens.

And a little more I can already tell, except that harbor the hope that return some day soon, to your country where you still expect your family and friends. I hope the Fates allow us the match. But for now, is Hypnos that round me and this tired body needs rest.

Goodbye, friend, and Tyche you smile.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Remove Trial From Big Fish Games

VIII Jornada de Cultura Clásica de Sagunto

The day Sagunt Classical Culture is a unique day, happy and enriching. The joy is given by the reunion with friends and colleagues I see you have not, to know new colleagues, and enriching to learn from their hard work and share ours.

yesterday on the occasion of the VIII Jornada de Cultura Clásica present to our fellow workshop Aetate hominis: Infantia. The presentations were made by Louis and Salut, my friends along with the Juanvi Hortus hesperidum who explained what life was like a infans from birth to seven years.

thank José M ª Ciordia its contribution to the workshop to tell us who was the inventor of the rattle, Archytas of Tarentum (400-365 BC). Aristotle in his Politics, Book V, 46 says:

ἡ δὲ παιδεία πλαταγὴ τοῖς μείζοσι τῶν νέων.
Education is the rattle of adolescents.
Aristotle Policy V 6 (1340b).

rattle of Archytas himself was not a bad invention, since, making the children had their hands full , prevented them from breaking anything in the house, because children can not sit still for even a moment. The rattle is a great toy for the first age, and the study is the rattle of the age that follows. (translated by Patrick Azcárrate)
And of course we also thank Alvaro Vilariño 's confidence in our work to propose a translation of some of our items to Galician for educational use in classrooms by adding activities. For our part we announce that we intend to be ready for the Ludi booklet Saguntini MMXI the Hominis Aetate in Castilian and Valencian.

As you can see was a very full day. Here you have some pictures of the workshops yesterday.

Salutem plurimam!