Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eyebrow Waxing Reactions

Ending May 1. Antonio Vega

Grande discomfort in recent times.

UPMM (remember: P U community rogenie ale M ayor M ) has received, simultaneously with the victory of Barcelona in absurd events do not know what their qualifications Balompédica-end 2 º de Bachillerato (for those of my generation COU), having obtained a baccarat notable: it has bitten at all (except in French and English, and the latter makes me happy for him, because if it also fit into this discipline, I proceed to castration without anesthesia) which means that repeated course.

occupationally circus still leading the five tracks, but with simultaneous functions lion tamer, tightrope walker and sometimes a clown (with little grace.)

In return for so much frustration, I have some life socialite fun: see yesterday's presentation of Mark Zaragotham , Celebration and postfestejo that MBO and I we had pretty well with Javier , drummer The OTHERWISE, big laughs and also with our friends Luis, Elisa and Eugenia, the latter magazine photographer coated paper, with who I believe will match similar event tonight. Also, yesterday, in the presentation of the final book in Andrés TRAPIELLO Carriers ... when there was opportunity to greet the young Master Daniel GASCÓN , a guy whose record and level amazes me (and so it was told.) The book of TRAPIELLO be appropriately discussed in this venue, no one would mistake about (at the moment is in the hands of MBO, and of course ...).

In line with this, I note that also wiped reading animi pain as I can, yes, variable virulence things to take away the bad host that I come home every night. No reading marathon, I must admit, I fall on the bed descuajeringado, despite the beauty of the fireworks we enjoy sunsets as a canvas in the window of nustro bedroom, and just give me five or six paginillas. And between me collapsed, face book, make a mental note that something must be said in 'Vladivostok' that, dammit, it must survive, if only for the young Maine not let me tilde, not least, adequately support the onslaught of grim-and-little-graceful féisbuc. How little I like that cyberapero, Recon.

first thing I bring today is The man in the gray suit of Sloan Wilson, a work I've come to tell puritita rebotadera as below. The thing sounds a little 'damn man in the gray coat' , referred to Los Nikis, if not was because the novel is a pedophile drug dealer or not, rather, a middle-class puritito hero.

Finally, talk about a novel written in 1955 at the height of 2009 has its true meaning if we operate on the basis of an analysis of reciprocals, 1 / x. All expectations in every crisis and decay and blablabla. Anyway, as I said, has come into my hands by chance, read the other day Dandi Dictionary of Giuseppe Scaraffia , I was struck with a tie in doubt, I went to find a solution to some Perfect Manual Knight many years ago (twenty, which dammit!) gave me some young, and there sprang a quote from WILSON. Half an hour later, I found it, of course, Carriers Dreams - with his book The man in the gray suit , unprecedented in Spain since the mid-fifties, had been reissued. Curiosities, causality, chance. I bought it, of course, read it, and I think you should do the same, even though it is a text that speaks of another time and another place, time and place understood as referring to a different universe, that has nothing to do with our : da NYC is the same as 1955: Planet Vulcan could be in the year 6215 AD The story has the charm of showing that things can end well, for example, and that is very rare in the novels of the first century. It should give some attention to the epilogue that the author himself nailed to the end of the book, as always adorably good books published by the Asteroid .

Moreover, the work of John CONNOLLY is the new addiction Hans gender in literature. Fell into my hands, first, Men scythe, just published by TUSQUETS , which has been done with the subject material for Spain. Once the virus inoculated series Detective Charlie Parker (for such is the protagonist of the novels I mention here), I started to get the rest of the material. Paradoxically, in my first purchase Bird has a relatively residual action, and are his two sidekicks, Louis and Angel who star in the product. The second thing I read was The power of darkness s. I live in Profile murderer. And there are a heap more that I will go making me soon. The caveat for all readers of Vladivostok is that there are a number CONNOLLY brutality above average. Do not wait elegant crime novel intellectual reflection : here so there is a knowledge gap aproffondi that leave-one lay-firing a revolver Model S & W 500 on the left side of the skull of a 67 years old, for example. It is notable how much scrap killer knows the Irish author, faith. As well as entomology, why not say, in view of that Profile murderer, to a point slightly set on edge, I must admit. But these trees will not prevent us from seeing the forest: the friend is an excellent designer frames, and although the order in which I am reading one's own is not correct (apparently, should have read before All that dies , but I could get my hands on it yet) I know what moves to Detective Parker when it gets screwed up. And what to say, I like the way CONNOLLY faces the dark side.

dark side of the thing can go too when I look at Wernher von Braun, between the eagle and the swastika . A very interesting book because of an aeronautical engineer (amazing! Not a little formula or an equation in the whole volume!), Javier CASADO . I do not think it takes to present the biography , the guy who designed the V2, the guy who invented the pitching of the Apollo missions. A guy who entered the big leagues with just twenty years, that thirty had created the aforementioned rockets, and got thirty-three to the Yankees mounted a fairly medium-cisco to take him, along with almost all his team , eye-to the USA, so great was his intellectual prestige. A sensational team builder, a leader puritito, who suffered of course the obvious persecution criptonazi over a lifetime. The data provides MARRIED in your text makes me think that without justification.

Von Braun Was another of those Germans who spent the war in the Berlin subway (a nod to Billy Wilder and One, two, three ... )? I think not: I would say it is more accurate to note that in some ways as Leni Riefenstahl , von Braun is a guy who, very young, he could see his work performed on a scale never before imagined, giving wings crazy worst murderers of History. Were they one and the other Nazis? Again, I think either lying when he said that it was not. I think each country in style and were true geniuses and anyway had been in any other environment.

And with this light reflection proceed to terminate entry and dumped into the weekend, see if you get over the trauma of Fri de tous les jours . Recopón. Have fun. Be good and do not break anything.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1989 Yamaha 480 Phazer Parts

As is known to all and, died yesterday Antonio Vega.

Keeping an eye on the gué I found exactly the obvious predictable. Many. Of course, I found the usual nerve of senior government bandwagon (funeral), and I read a comment affectionate and intelligent that I understand well: Álvaro , Nacho or curious Nacho Cano. When the Lolita Flores (the article is deliberately contemptuous) has dared to compare the master with his own brother, I felt some nausea, all they had in common really is the heroine. Nothing more. Although they were friends, nothing hit the first, second, no doubt.

is not easy to explain, at this stage of the game, and with as much strain as has been the phenomenon, what was the Movida for whom the distance assumed in the provinces live, we live even in part. I do not mean things more colorful, the stirrings of Almodovar & McNamara's ass, or the then Mayor of Madrid playing to be sixty years younger, or anything more-or-nothing less than music: all those bands, all those records, all those songs. Music with a capital letter, with a marble capital city.

That is exactly the music that makes up the soundtrack of my life. And if I had to choose from all the Best Group, Best of their texts, by their instrumental skill, its direct competition by its composer, would know without any doubt which one to choose. Of course there are many songs Secrets of Mother of Elegant of Pistons, so many others that are very important to me, but I know, as all musicians know, which of them all , in the early eighties there was only one band of this size.

And that band is Nacha Pop, my copy of whose first album (full of jewels and including Chica de Ayer -) if caught by the edges, set a spiral to the ground is removed as many times as I spun. And Nacha had a genius stratospheric adlater supported by a loyal and good people, but not reached his heel (among other things on their penchant for funky cloudy). The genius, the shy genius, was obviously Antonio Vega. If someone is able to compose (a place: are mil) 'A split second' passes away, the History to Legend.

Antonio was a singer whose voice had an amazing color, try to be unfortunate heir of his style, certainly not his brilliance, also was a guitar stunning, a virtuoso with tremendous virtue of drawing beautiful filigree sound without falling into kitsch such as pleasing rococo, for example, the jevis. And what of his texts Antonio once explained years ago that their letters-letters-came his sensational stories he wrote. That way the quintessence of distilled-text otherwise very short-and music has been an inspiration to me, obviously saving distances. Every time someone says: "Like . Has a Nacha Pop air" after hearing a song of mine that I know, I have, I felt so proud.

Of course, at the time, and as I could, I went to Penta. I am little pilgrimages but that, sometime in the late eighties, was essential. And of course, and similarly, the fact that Antonio is gone at last makes it equally imperative that you cry in silence and write this, as corny as it may be.

today do not want to ride the verbiage. It would be disrespectful. Nor will put photos. Everyone memory of how he was Antonio Vega, and how it was in recent times. Seek then, please, a couple of songs or three of the Master (in the network between your CDs, or like me, from vinyl), and listen to them. And tested, so how underlying the importance of a musician. As concreted the foundations of Eternity.

RIP Antonio Vega Sizes, 1957-2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Side Dishes To Have With Venison


Our first-and last, I assume, a Jordanian taxi driver drink coffee, smoke, talk on the phone, driving and shits on the deaths of everything that wiggles around, all at once. It is commendable indeed. Move by which, in a first approximation, is the ugliest city I've seen in my life Amman. In a second, no: ALL cities Jordan I've seen, except very specific parts of Aqaba perhaps, are even uglier.

Jordan, a country whose architecture disastrous 'modern' (to say) end up with the nerves of anyone with minimal aesthetic criteria, the people are friendly, charming children, affordable beer, the meal, the Sensational pistachio, and above and above all, a country that has Petra inside. That alone is worth the trip. Then there is the stroll through the desert in the very Bedouin jeeps destroyed (ah, the beauty of the Land Cruiser Mk. 1: how the hell put up in the hands of these savages?), As the hotels-to- unfaithful comfortable, pleasant and private beach and fitness room with machines smurf-size, and sprinkle swinishness of sludge that after checking that, in effect at the Dead Sea fleet and better, and you give up your ass p'afuera if you put face down. That, as generalities.

concrete being, you know the kind-and-rare (and now more with the decline of the blogosphere) Vladivostok readers that the Central Committee of the Provincial Association of Settlements Cluster plants and gar- with him his Kapellmeister, which matches that I am, have a trip-of-work (wtf?) to infinity and beyond, and this year was Jordan, which is very satisfactory given that MBO had to put brown for the wedding of MBO's-bro '(3rd) held on 04/18/2009. Soit, we went from Easter to Land of Infidels. A non-stop life, gentlemen, a non-stop.

The trip, why deny it, began twisting, if it is true that Zaragotham output was set at the very civilized hour of the 11.30-being also extremely punctual worldwide to the 13.00-our guide, pale countenance, confirmed that our comfortable flight of 17.30 was suspended, and that would be flying ... Finally, when touched, or pieces, or via Sebastopol, Zimbabwe and Frankfurt-am-Main.

was not so serious: just departed at 0445, having previously dined at a suitable location in BCN (Cal Pintxo, in particular), and testicles.

not bore you with detailed accounts, I suspect that the type trip to Jordan is quite similar to ours: we Amman, we went to Mount Nebo and the Crusader fortress of Kerak the next day we visited extensively Petra (which, again, is THE place), our next day was in the desert of Wadi Rum making the dunes cape (if the desert of Lawrence of Arabia , and yes, reread return fragments of contextuantes The Seven Pillars of Wisdom , the outrageous and cruceritos leisure in Aqaba Area gave us for two days and then went to the Dead Sea and finish off in Jerash , impresionantísima, stunning, beautiful, probably the Roman city in better shape than I've ever seen (and remember that one comes from Zaragotham) and Amman (zero interest). Will not bore you, I repeat: all the things mentioned deserve punishment, but especially Petra, Aqaba and Jerash.

is to cite our local guide Mohammed (How not?), An element the most blunt: ah, what affection in his words in relation to the de facto State of Israel and the Palestinian territories invaded by Israel, etc. It reminded me of other situations as a guide Croatian ...

Well, dear, Jordan, that soit dissant Hashemite monarchy (trad .: Theocratic dictatorship) maintain the good order of the street with industrial quantities of police of all kinds, including camouflaged uniform rates M16 command and the latest version. Not a robbery, or apparent discomfort, nothing. At home, however, seems they have left the long hair slicked back, uncut.

Today I talk about books. So much time has passed I have lost count and the reference of things that should be recommended. I only say that it is programming the four bolus tour 'the offspring-not Modes. " And this afternoon I went to the cinema to see 'Let me' (a six and a half out of ten being generous) the same way as last weekend I enjoyed my two UPF's of 'Witch Mountain' (passable, deserve a sietecillo).